Applications will be accepted starting some time in January of 2016. More information to come.
Northeast Park Housing Rehab Matching Grant Program Guidelines
Program Intent: The intent of the Northeast Park Matching Grant Program is to incentivize homeowners to make improvements to their homes that extends the life of the housing stock, improves livability standards and to makes visible improvements to the neighborhood.
Grant Amount: A minimum of $1,000 and a maximum of $3,000. The applicant must match each grant dollar one for one. Matching funds must be available at the time the grant is approved and the Participation Agreement is signed. If a property owner does not have the matching funds, they may be able to qualify for a loan through the Greater Metropolitan Housing Corporation to use as the match.
Income Limit: There is no income limit to be eligible for this program.
Eligible Properties: Properties must be located within the boundaries of the Northeast Park’s neighborhood. Owner-occupied single-family detached homes and duplexes are eligible. Owner-occupied condominiums and townhomes are eligible for funding for interior improvements only. Homeowners’ Associations are not eligible.
Eligible Improvements: Most permanent interior and exterior improvements are eligible. This may include things such as, but not limited to, roof, furnace, water heater replacement, garage reconstruction, concrete/hardscape, water mitigation, radon mitigation, remodel bath, kitchen or basement, electrical and plumbing repairs and upgrades, insulation, security light and systems, energy efficiency upgrades, and accessibility improvements. If you have a question about whether your project is eligible, call the Housing Resource Center at (612) 588-3033.
In-eligible Improvements: Luxury/recreational upgrades (pool, sauna, spa, etc.), furniture, non- permanent appliances, funds for working capital, debt services, refinancing existing debt and work initiated prior to approval of the matching grant.
Application Processing: Applications are to be submitted directly to GMHC’s Housing Resource Center – North, 2148 44th Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55412. Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis until all grant funds have been committed. Incomplete applications will not be processed until all requested documents have been received. The application can be processed without the bids, but the grant funds cannot be committed until the bids have been received and approved. No work may be started prior to the signing of the Participation Agreement.
Total Project Cost: It is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain the amount of funds necessary to finance the entire cost of the work. Matching funds must be paid into the project in advance of the NRP grant funds.
Mortgage Payments and Taxes: Borrowers must be current on mortgage payments and have no unpaid taxes.
Sweat Equity: The property owner is allowed to perform the work on his/her own, as long as he or she is approved by the GMHC construction manager. Appropriate permits must be filed and inspections passed. Funds may only be used for the purchase of materials; funds cannot be used to compensate the owner for labor.
Application Processing: GMHC will provide an application package with an application form and detailed instructions on what additional documents must be submitted to apply for the matching grant.
Rehabilitation Consulting is available on request from a GMHC construction manager. The construction manager can meet with the grantees to provide advice on proposed work, assist with the bidding process, and help select the successful bidder(s).
Bidding: Projects costing $5,000 or more require two bids. All bids must be approved by the construction manager.
Contractors/Permits: Contractors contracting for work must be properly licensed by the City of Minneapolis or State of Minnesota (when required). Permits must be obtained when required by City ordinance.
Fees: Grant origination fees ($300 per grant) will be paid by the NRP budget for this program.
Work Completion: Weather permitting all work items must be completed within 120 days of the grant closing.
Disbursement process: Payment to the contractor will be made after completion of the work. An inspection will be performed by the City (if a permit was required) and GMHC to verify the completion of the work. The following items must be received by GMHC before the funds can be released:
Final, original invoice from contractor (or materials list from supplier);
Completion certificate(s) signed by the borrower and the contractor;
Copies of all required city permits (also indicating final inspection by City);
Final inspection (verification) by GMHC;
Lien waiver(s).